The Rash That Crashed An Italian Adventure

This following story is a 100% true cautionary tale about my dear friend whose family vacation was somewhat compromised due to her yeast infection not getting properly solved prior to departing America.
During my friend’s last week at home before departing to Europe for over a month, she spent ample time sunbathing and swimming as wanted to look and feel her best for the journey ahead.
Since she was leaving for such a prolonged time it also meant she had to soak up as many moments with her boyfriend as she could. Unfortunately this combination of nonstop swimming & swooning led her to develop a yeast infection. She knew something was wrong so she went to her gynecologist to receive tests for a UTI and a yeast infection.
Sadly, the gynecology office took over a week to get back to her and it wasn’t until multiple days into her travel that she received the news of a positive yeast infection test.
She felt uncomfortable, itchy, and overall sick, though she didn’t want to spoil the rest of the family’s plans so she kept quiet assuming they couldn’t notice, until one day, the infection made itself known.
The yeast infection had started to spread and my friend’s entire body was soon covered with a red uncomfortable rash. She was not only experiencing physical symptoms by this rash but she was also embarrassed to be out in public looking this way.
It was a complicated and long process to try and receive the correct medication for her situation. She tried a cream at a nearby Italian drugstore, and when that did not work she went to five other local drug stores near and far, with her father, trying to find an alternate solution while showing her diagnosis.
It wasn’t until her family moved locations to a larger city, two whole weeks later, that she was able to consult with a hospital. Even then, they were not sure what to prescribe and she had to do her own research and ask for a specific medication.
This story truly highlights the urgency of getting both tested and treated immediately when you are feeling onset symptoms to prevent spreading, and prolonged pain. Going forward, my friend has since been stocked up on our yeast infection tests, so she will never leave the country before receiving instant access to care again and treatment.