A Douching Disaster

Google can be very misleading with at home remedies.
That is a lesson I have learned countless times before with at home hair dying, face masks, and more; but nothing solidified that lesson further than when my best friend and I turned to douching.
We both had serious boyfriends at the time and were having sex frequently. We were very open to talking about our sex lives and we would always share tips and tricks to improve the experience. One thing we were always conscious about was odor and cleanliness. We never wanted to feel embarrassed and always wanted to feel confident so we turned to the internet and tried many different outlets that were in our reach at home.
One day as we were walking the aisles of CVS together we saw douches and remembered seeing them as a great option to keeping your vagina at its healthiest state, so of course, we decided to try it. From the packaging, our understanding was that it just gives a thorough clean, and there are no real downsides to trying it.
We were wrong!
After we got back to our dorms we were excited to try our new product so we went to the communal bathrooms and were dying of laughter from a few showers away about how we get so easily persuaded into these things.
The next morning is when we realized that we made a big mistake.
We were both dealing with the itchiest, most uncomfortable situation we have ever endured. We texted each other during class so confused what happened and wondering if we did something wrong.
It turned out that douching can actually cause an overgrowth of harmful bacteria that can cause you to develop a yeast infection.
After class we made our way to the health center and had to sheepishly admit what we had done as well as call our moms so they were aware what the medication charge was for.
Thankfully any young women who get bold with online suggestions can now purchase SheMed’s Bundle and be prepared for any aftermath from the comfort of your own home.